Amandeep Hospital
- June 30, 2023
- Health Tips
Physiotherapy and customized physical activities have never been everyone’s first choice of treatment. It is quite often observed that people who are suffering injuries or those with chronic diseases or limited mobility prefer surgery over physical activity or physiotherapy.
This is because they believe that surgery is the fastest and effective mode of treating an issue rather than going for physical therapies. But a number of prominent orthopaedics doctor refer the patients to the physical therapist if the case allows since it is the most minimalistic intruding approach to address any issue.
But the tale does not end here. Physiotherapy and physical activities have a number of other benefits as well that showcases its effectiveness in relation to other treatments.
Below runs the list of such advantages of physical therapy:

1. Increases Mobility
Irrespective of your age, if you have issues in standing, walking or moving, physiotherapy can be of utmost help to you. This is because the exercise such stretching and strengthening helps renew your ability to move.
Moreover, the physiotherapist considers the individual cases and accordingly customizes the plan, to help the patient draw maximum benefits.
2. Recover From Or Avoids Any Sports Injury
As a professional, the therapist understands how various sports can increase your probability of getting injuries. Subsequently, they can curate a list of exercises or activities that can help you recover or avoid any such risk of injury.
3. Lowers Or Eradicate Pain
Physical therapy and exercises such as joint and soft tissue mobilization or treatments like taping or electric stimulation can aid in relieving pain and rebuilding the functions of muscles and joints to lessen the pain.
4. Enhances Your Balance And Prevent Falls
When you start with physiotherapy, you get examined for the fall risk. If you are at a higher risk of getting falls, the therapist recommends such exercises that take care of your balance and reduces your risk of falling and also help for joint pain treatment.
5. Keeps Away From Surgery
If physiotherapy can help you remove the pain or recover from an injury, then there is no need for surgery. Although if surgery is required, yet pre-surgery physical therapy can benefit you immensely. Moreover, by avoiding surgery and opting for physiotherapy is a cost-effective option.
6. Get Over A Stroke
It is quite natural to lose some level of functionality and movement after you get a stroke. Thereupon, physical therapy can help you intensify the weekend body parts and recover from the pace and balance.
Moreover, physical activity can also aid a stroke patient to improve his capacity to transfer and move around in the bed so as to make them relatively independent.
7. Controls Diabetes And Vascular Conditions
Physical activity plays an important role in controlling diabetes and blood sugar levels. In addition, diabetic people have sensational issues with their feet and legs.
However, the therapist can refer them effective exercises and also educate them on how to look after their foot to avoid any issues in the future.
8. Controls Age-Related Issues
As age advances, one is deemed to encounter issues like arthritis or osteoporosis. Therefore, here comes the role of physiotherapists. They help the patients in recovering from problems such as joint replacement, osteoporosis, managing arthritic conditions cautiously.
9. Managing Lung And Heart Diseases
When a patient completes the cardiac rehabilitation post the heart attack or procedure, he should take physiotherapy as the daily functioning of the body is affected.
For issues related to pulmonary, this therapy can be effective in improving the quality of life through the exercises concerned with strengthening, conditioning, and breathing and also help the patients’ lungs clear all the fluids.
10. Taking Care Of Women’s Health And Other Conditions
Women confront a number of issues during pregnancy and postpartum care. However, physical therapy can help women look after themselves better.
Moreover, physical activities can also aid them in resolving their issues related to bowel incontinence, breast cancer, constipation, pelvic pain, urinary inconsistency and many more.
11. Attending ICU Patients
For the patients on ventilators, physiotherapy plays a vital role. Therapy for chest helps in relieving the patient from chest congestion. Furthermore, the activities for limb are important to immobilize in ICU.
It also helps in training the patients to walk after being discharged from the ICU. Also helps in preventing them from bedsores.
12. Facilitate Surgery
In most of the surgeries, strengthening the muscles before performing the surgery is compulsory, which further helps the patient to recover speedily. To list a few such surgeries such as spine surgery, hip replacement, knee replacement, frozen shoulder and many more.
Why Physiotherapy Is Important?
Dr. Avtar Singh is a renowned orthopaedic and joint replacement surgeon in Amritsar and he has performed a considerable number of surgeries. Moreover, his proficiency and experience have helped us discover the fact that physiotherapy is not just an alternative course of treatment, rather it envelopes a number of benefits to the people irrespective of their age and profession.
Whether it is an athlete or a sportsperson or even a normal person suffering from any health issues, this therapy is for all. This is because it improves the blood circulation and strengthens the muscles of the body making them more flexible.
So, if you have any queries related to physical therapy that may help you or your loved ones, please don’t hesitate to consult Dr. Avtar Singh, one of the best orthopaedics surgeon in India. Dr. Avtar Singh is a renowned orthopaedic and joint replacement surgeon in Amritsar