Amandeep Hospital
- June 30, 2023
- Health Tips
“Often it isn’t the initiating trauma that creates seemingly insurmountable pain, but the lack of support after”. The same applies to the pain which one experiences when orthopaedic injuries or conditions take a toll on their health. Generally, it is perceived that orthopaedics is just related to the knee joints but this is not the reality. Hip replacement surgeons or orthopaedic surgeons perform the main treatments covered under the excellence of the orthopaedic treatments.
Hip replacement or joint replacement surgery is a surgical procedure in which the joint of the hip is replaced using a prosthetic implant known as the hip prosthesis. This surgery serves the purpose of relieving the pain, helping the hip joints to restore their normal functioning, and improve walking. Let us now know the symptoms and causes of hip replacement through our blog which provides an insight into the hip replacement. There are many problems concerned with hip like:
- Hip arthritis
- Hip bursitis
- Hip fracture
- Hip impingement and many more.
These require immediate medical attention in order to avoid further complications in the condition.
There are no set rules that signal towards a need to undergo hip replacement surgery. But we bring to you a list of some common signs that can create the need to undergo this surgery. These signs are:
1. Hip or groin pain: Experiencing soreness or pain during or after exercise which acts as hindrances and is capable of obstructing your daily routine. If the area between knee and hip is experiencing pain, the case needs immediate treatment by the experts. Taking medications or walking with the help of a stick is not the permanent solution to this problem.
2. Stiffness: If performing your daily chores like putting your shoes or socks is becoming difficult day by day due to the stiffness in the hip area, especially if one foot is more difficult than the other, this again is a clear symptom of problems that need a hip replacement.
3. Walking complications: If hip or groin pain is making it difficult for you to walk normal distances then it is time for you to speak to a specialist. Such pain which is capable of catching you in its clutches should not be ignored at any cost.
4. The ‘one leg test’: If you are unable to stand on the leg that is experiencing the problem for longer than a minute, even when you have the support to stand, this condition too calls for expert intervention to prevent your condition from getting worse.
There are some common causes due to which a person needs to undergo hip replacement surgery. These conditions are:
1. Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is caused due to degeneration of cartilage in the joints. In some cases, the cartilage splits or breaks off in the hip joint. As a result, it fails to cushion the hip bone which generally indicates the onset of the need for hip replacement surgery.
2. Fractures: Hip fractures or a break in the hip bone may leave a person in pain. Such conditions sometimes become so worse that it needs immediate hip replacement surgery. Such fractures commonly occur among the elderly people and further, the condition gets complicated if not attended properly.
3. Strains: Generally, muscle strains become the dominant factor which can result in a condition that calls for hip replacement. Small tears in muscles occur due to the strain which is caused due to a quick twist or pull to the muscle.
4. Tendonitis: Many tendons around the hip connect the muscles to the hip. In some cases, due to its overuse, the tendons become inflamed. It is accompanied by pain around the hip region.
It is commonly observed that hip replacement surgery is the last option to restore the normal condition of a patient affected by hip disorders.
There are some preventative measures that can help you stave off joint replacements. These can do common good for your overall health too.
1. Lose weight: Shedding those extra pounds to reduce the pressure on your joints can save you from a good number of problems. Although it is not a guaranteed solution, it can still prevent many complications from occurring.
2. Strengthen your muscles: Indulge in some exercises to strengthen your muscles so that such disorders can be prevented to some extent.
3. Increase your flexibility: Working on increasing the flexibility of your body shall surely help to avoid these unwanted situations. There is a long list of activities which can help one work on the flexibility part.
Every problem comes with a solution. And if your problem is related to the hip then we are the solution to it. Dr. Avtar Singh, an expert orthopaedics doctor are here to assist you with all the medical help to help you keep going with the same normalcy of your life. Consult us for the most effective treatments in the region and you shall be able to bounce back to your independent life.